Influencer submitted ads of the week

We're back with a fresh set of the very best influencer-submitted custom ads from across the Plug!

Before we dive in, just a few things to go over:

  • Some custom ads in the Plug are reserved to be used by their creator only. Please share ads available within your Plug app.
  • You can learn more about our custom ad submission process here.

With that said, let's take a look!

NOTE: The ads you see below are NOT open for all influencers to share.

Betternet | @lukedavidson_

This ad does a great job at demonstrating one of the uses of Betternet, while also including a walkthrough of the app. This is a great way to drive more downloads and higher quality users, both of which help you earn more $$ 

Astrology & Palmistry Coach | @connor.fisk

Don't forget to hand sanitize between palm readings! 

Busuu | @beerbongjohn

One style of custom ads that can be worth trying is to lead with a skit/normal feeling piece of content that's native to your page, then tie in your ad towards the end. 

Celebs | @nico_bisesi

Celebs is a great campaign to make custom ads for, and never fails to be entertaining! 

Meditation Nest | @bailey_n

Meditation Nest recently saw a payout increase in the Plug and now pays up to 28.6 Plugcoins per iOS US install — that earns you more than 2 raffle tickets per install in our $20,000 summertime contest!

Learn more about how to submit your own custom ads here →

Thoughts, comments, questions? We’re always around to help; please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at or directly within your Plug app.