Expert Picks - Soren's campaign recommendations

It's time for another round of Expert Picks! Here, each week, we'll share campaign advice and recommendations from our expert team of Account Managers who work with all of the Plug's top influencers.

Friday already! We hope you've been enjoying all the Plug's new social features this week. 💬

As you know, my goal is to help you earn the most, and today we've got some good ones. Here are my top picks as we head into the weekend:


Byte is still going strong and even just raised prices by another 35% bringing the payout to over $1.15 per install. I suggest pitching it as the next big social app, and with Tiktok’s future up in the air, it’s still a winner.


Bigo continues to be a top pick and has also seen a bid increase! It is now paying 15% more per-download with a payout of up to $1.85 per install. Focus your messaging around it being a way to meet new people, to tune into livestreams, and discover new communities.

Acrylic Nails

Another app I wanted to call out is Acrylic Nails. It's been performing great on all platforms including IG and Snap, and is currently the most successful casual game right now.

As always have a great weekend and happy earnings 🤗

— Soren

Thoughts, comments, questions? We’re always around to help; please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at or directly within your Plug app.