The new year is off to a great start, and we've got some pretty rockin' ads to go alongside it! TikTok-style ads once again are leading the way in our testing, performing quite well.
Looking for a little extra boost? We released a blog post earlier this week on our ad submission process and how custom ads can bring high engagement and a 5% commission. Learn more here!
Let's take a look at this week's ads!

1: 2048 Balls 3D

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 595,916
Measured: $0.80 per k
# of Tests: 12
2: Sushi Bar

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 369,012
Measured: $1.10 per k
# of Tests: 3
3: Azar

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 454,196
Measured: $1.70 per k
# of Tests: 2
4: Meditation & Sleep

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 955,080
Measured: $0.73 per k
# of Tests: 10
5: Terrarium: Garden Idle

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 551,374
Measured: $0.49 per k
# of Tests: 11
6: Soap Cutting

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 515,724
Measured: $0.55 per k
# of Tests: 5
7: Idle Construction

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 3,427,585
Measured: $0.72 per k
# of Tests: 26
8: PicsArt

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 250,061
Measured: $0.55 per k
# of Tests: 4
Note: Every campaign is not open to everyone with availability depending on advertiser requirements. If you don't see one of these listed in your account, please hang tight—it may be one we're able to make available for you in the future as the campaign rolls out!
Thoughts, comments, questions? We’re always around to help; please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at or directly within your Plug app.