Today we're kicking off the Stay at Home contest; a chance to win more than $10,000 in prizes that'll help take your home from drab to social distancing fab. We've gathered together some of the best prizes to make staying socially distant easy; and yes, that includes ~ land ~ in Kansas.

This contest we'll have both leaderboard prizes and raffle prizes.
Leaderboard Prizes
⭐ ️5th Place - The Stream God - 1 Year Sub to Netflix, HBO Now, Disney+, Amazon Video, AND Hulu or $700 cash

⭐ 4th Place - The Stay Connected - 3x Facebook Portal, AirPods, and 1 Year of Zoom Premium or $1000 cash

⭐ 3rd Place - The Home Fitness Package - Stationary Bike, Treadmill, Barbell Set, and a 1 Year Fitness Coach Subscription or $1500 cash

⭐ 2nd Place - The Hoarder - 2 Rolls Single Ply Toilet Paper, 1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer or $2000 cash

⭐ 1st Place - The Full Isolation - Land in Kansas (~0.2 acres), 2 Pounds of Barley Seeds, an Oxen Team or $2500 cash

Raffle Prizes
- 1 winner - $1000 Cash
- 1 winner - $500 Cash
- 10 winners - $50 - Amazon Gift Cards
The Rules
Here's the rundown on rules for our contest this time around:
- This contest includes both leaderboard prizes for the top 5 earners over the contest period and raffles giving all Plug influencers a shot at winning a prize.
- Influencers who win a leaderboard prize are NOT eligible to win raffle prizes as well.
- This contest will be live thru Monday, April 6th.
- In cases where the actual prize is not easily fulfilled due to an influencer's location, cash-value prize will be awarded instead.
Stay Safe
We also wanted to take a moment to talk about COVID-19. The safety and well-being of our entire influencer community and the world around us is paramount. Please stay informed, check in with your friends and family, and dedicate real effort to self isolation to help protect yourself and those around you.
For more information on COVID-19 and the steps you should be taking, check out the CDC's website here.