Today, we're launching an all new series on our blog called Expert Picks — starting with this! Here, each week, we'll share campaign advice and recommendations from our expert team of Account Managers who work with all of the Plug's top influencers.

Hey there,
Soren here, with a set of campaign picks ahead of the weekend!
Off the bat, I want to mention the current contest is only on for a few more days. If you are participating make sure to get some final posts up to boost your chances of winning $$$ + exclusive Plug hoodies! More info here. 🔥
Contest pick
In terms of campaigns that are part of the contest, I recommend trying out 9 Months — it looks like a weird app but can be great clickbait! Some of our top influencers found surprising success and it’s been testing really well.
Casual game pick
For the fans of casual games, Stairway to Heaven has been seeing strong success across platforms. It’s currently the number 2 game in the App Store! The payout is on the lower side but if you include video of gameplay I think you will see conversion = 💰
Universally appealing pick
One campaign that is universally appealing and useful is Betternet. Betternet is a VPN and you can promote it as a way to get around school wifi restrictions during back to school season, unlock more Netflix shows/movies, and access Tiktok in the case it does get banned.
On top of that the price just raised 15% 🚨
It’s an easy sell so I think it could be a success!
$1+ per install pick
Last but not least if you are looking to promote a campaign with large budget paying over $1 per install I recommend Bigo. Bigo is a live-streaming app that allows users to tune into livestreams from around the world, make new friends, and build community!
As always, have a great weekend!
— Soren
Thoughts, comments, questions? We’re always around to help; please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at or directly within your Plug app.