Expert Picks - Soren's campaign recommendations

🎁 We're giving away $120,000 in our Holiday Contest which is going on now! Learn more here. πŸŽ„

Soren here from the Plug back with my picks for the campaigns that will earn you the most this weekend. πŸ’β€β™€β€πŸ’°


I’d first like to highlight the Litstick campaign. It’s converting like crazy and most of our top earners have been promoting it which is a good sign. This fun, simple app lets you drop stickers that look like replies into iMessage so you can change the replies of your friends. πŸ˜‚

Tabou Stories and Yarn

If your followers like steamy apps both Tabou Stories & Yarn have stories that you might not want to read in a public place πŸ™ˆπŸ˜ˆ

Tabou is paying over 25 Plugcoins ($1.25) per install which is great for a story app.

Wish and Ibotta

As we get into the holiday season your followers might be looking to shop but also save. Wish and Ibotta are both great apps to find deals on shopping and gifts. You can help your followers while earning $ yourself - talk about a win win! Each of those are paying over $1 per install so it’s worth checking out! πŸ€‘

Cat Game, Zooba, and 9 Months

I wanted to give you a blast from the past. These apps have been sleepers but I think there is still lots of opportunity to make good money. I suggest checking out Cat Game, Zooba, and 9 Months as we have seen continued success and they all have an uncapped budget! Especially great on IG/Snapchat.

Picolo Drinking Game

Last but not least for those that are over 21 or have an audience of 21+, Picolo Drinking Game might be a fun one to promote! Tis the season πŸŽ„

As always have a wonderful weekend and happy earnings!

β€” Soren