Expert Picks - Soren's campaign recommendations

It's time for another round of Expert Picks! Here, each week, we'll share campaign advice and recommendations from our expert team of Account Managers who work with all of the Plug's top influencers.

And just like that it’s October! 🤯

As we head into the weekend, I've pulled together my picks for the top campaigns from across the Plug!


We've got some exciting news for the Byte campaign today; its payout has been increased and is now paying up to 26.8 Plugcoins ($1.34) per install! They are trying to build and inclusive and toxic free community so make sure to hammer that in your messaging. 💸


Next I want to recommend picking up Calm. It’s a meditation, relaxation, and sleep app that is endorsed by athletes and celebrities. They recently raised their payout to over $1 as well. One thing to note as well is Calm, unlike Meditation Nest, is available on Android so the possibilities of downloads are higher. 📈

Tabou Stories

You may also want to take a look at Tabou Stories. Currently paying $1 per download, Tabou Stories has been testing really well on Instagram with some tests showing over $3 earned per 1000 views. 🤑


Lastly, I wanted to let you know about an all new Betternet contest starting today with $5,500 up for grabs. It's running through October 9th. More info here!

And that's it! As always have a great weekend and happy earning.
