Our latest app update introduces scripts, captions, and more!

Ever get stuck trying to come up with a caption for your ad? Or maybe you wanted to make a custom ad, but were lost with what type of pitch would work best for you and your audience?

You are not alone, and our new app update (9.1) is here to help with all that and more!

First things first: if you've not already gotten the latest update, you can head to the App Store to get it now. We're also introducing these features to our web app (app.plugco.in) very soon!

All set? Great, let's dive into what's new:

Getting to the Campaign view

Finding these new assets are easy as 1, 2, 3 (literally):

  1. Open the Plug app, and head to the Campaigns tab.
  2. Find a campaign you want to promote, and select the title of the app.
  3. Here you will be able to find all our new assets for each campaign.


Looking for what's topping the charts? We've brought over the top ads from the Highlights tab to allow you to quickly find media that is working for that specific campaign, and can help you promote faster!

Media Rules

Want to see what rules are part of the campaign you're looking to promote? We've got you, and know how important it is to keep our advertisers happy! That's why we've placed these right in the new Campaign view to help you have all the right information.


That's right, you can now find scripts to help you make the best custom ad out there, that is proven to show results. 🤑 With our scripts, you'll not only hit your target audience, you'll also be a rockstar!


We're also now including media assets of videos and app walkthroughs that you can use in your custom ads (they work great as green screen backgrounds!).


You've asked for it, and we listened - you can now find the best captions for each campaign and copy and paste straight into your post! You're welcome. 😉


And last but not least, we've added a new Payment tab to your Campaign view that allows you to easily track your earnings for that particular campaign. Easy as pie! 🥧

So what you waiting for? Take a dive into our new updates, they're sure to keep you going for the weekend. 🙌

Thoughts, comments, questions? We’re always around to help; please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at hi@plugco.in or directly within your Plug app.