Ads of the week

Between three campaign launches and a fresh new contest, we've had a pretty busy week here at the Plug. Today, alongside our best-performing ads, we're excited to share a few updates:

  1. Dentist Bling, one of our newest campaigns and #1 in the charts, is absolutely crushing it right now. It's getting as many as 11 installs / k views. 💥
  2. Push 'em All: Another new campaign that's performing great, converting at as many as 2 installs / k views.
  3. Sideline Sports is having a $1000 prize for the Oscars; check out our 1st and 8th ad in the list for an ad! 🤑
  4. We're raffling away a 75" Smart TV, 2 iPhone 11 Pros, and 10 $50 Amazon Giftcards. Check out all the details on our latest contest here. 🎟

Let's take a week at this week's top performers!

1: Sideline Sports

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 31,192
Measured: $1.34 per k
# of Tests: 1

2: Sniper 3D

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 103,478
Measured: $1.41 per k
# of Tests: 10

3: Pull the Pin

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 45,975
Measured: $0.75 per k
# of Tests: 2

4: Weld It 3D

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 81,590
Measured: $0.73 per k
# of Tests: 1

5: Celebs - Celebrity Lookalike

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 594,677
Measured: $0.32 per k
# of Tests: 5

6: Design Home

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 1,958,128
Measured: $0.59 per k
# of Tests: 10

7: My Story: Choose Your Own Path

Download Link: Find it in the Plugs tab within the Plug (here’s how)
Views: 85,138
Measured: $0.79 per k
# of Tests: 2

8: Sideline Sports

⭐️ Honorable mention ⭐️  | This is a brand new ad that we've not had the chance to test, yet. It's just for Sideline Sport's Oscar giveaway and a great chance to cash in on the hype!

Note: Every campaign is not open to everyone with availability depending on advertiser requirements. If you don't see one of these listed in your account, please hang tight—it may be one we're able to make available for you in the future as the campaign rolls out!

Thoughts, comments, questions? We’re always around to help; please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at or directly within your Plug app.